Giovanni Rodriguez
My name is Giovanni Rodriguez, and I love to create. I have created since I was young, and I hope to create until I die. I used to get in trouble all the time for making messes that I called creations, but I loved it all the same.
This creation is a mix of 2D digital art and a clay miniature model. The mountain is made of clay that has been painted over with acrylic, the cabin is balsa wood and paper carefully–and painfully–hot glued together, and the trees are broken twigs stuck into the clay and lightly spray painted. The background is a simple drawing, the rain overlay is just simple blue streaks.
Originally this cabin was supposed to be used in a short film–it was going to be about two men who go crazy and kill each other, but after framing everything and taking the picture, I found that it worked so much better as a single photograph. The still captured everything I could have said in the animation, and likely did a better job than I could ever have done capturing all the emotion I wanted to in a film. The darkness of it, the eeriness, the oppressive clouds, the way the colors work–it all came out so well accidentally that I decided to keep the still and trash the rest of the project. I wanted to convey senses of isolation and depression in this, and I think I managed to accomplish this, somehow. I hope you enjoy it.